
Donate to Wikileaks - tax deductible in Germany

Share a Wikileaks release with a friend. Spread our wallpapers. Donate to support vital infrastructure. If you believe democracy and transparency go hand in hand, now is the time to stand and say: "The world needs Wikileaks."

WikiLeaks brings truth to the world by publishing fact-based stories without fear or favor. You can help support our independent media by donating financially.

Our organisation exists because of the work of many volunteers who have contributed thousands of hours to building WikiLeaks from the ground up. But we still need donations to pay for computers, expert programmers and other bills. You choose how much you can donate, we don't recommend any particular amount. Just do what you think is right.

There are four ways to donate:

1. Donate to Julian Assange Defence Fund
2. Online Transfer via Credit Card
3. Bank Transfer [option 1: everyone]
4. Bank Transfer [option 2: tax deductible in Germany]
5. Paypal via Wau Holland Foundation
6. Postal Mail

1 comment:

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